Every week, I am so so so lucky to head out into San Francisco as Carey Craddock’s gardening assistant. Carey is the best: thoughtful, creative, and incredibly generous sharing her knowledge and passion for all things flora. She’s been gardening in the city since 1997, and is a regular instructor at Garden for the Environment, where she leads workshops on everything from how to grow your own food to wreathmaking. I met her there in 2019 when I was a Get Up! student and she taught a session on soil health, and it’s amazing to be working with her now. She maintains gardens for a wide mix of residential clients, and together we prune, sweep, plant, compost, and contemplate the deeply philosophical nature of weeds. She also does garden coaching, consulting, and design — an invaluable resource if you’re in need of garden guidance, and I truly can’t recommend her highly enough.